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Cuseum - Zapier Integration
Updated over a year ago

Integrating Your Cuseum account with Zapier should be a really straightforward process!

Although steps might slightly vary, you may follow the steps below on your Zapier account and inform your Onboarding expert when this is all set and ready to be tested.

From our side (Cuseum):

  • We will send an invitation to Cuseum's Zapier app via email.

  • We will also send the key that connects Cuseum with Zapier (Zapier will ask for this key on step 5 - please see below).

  • Once the invitation gets accepted on your end, you will be able to start creating Zaps.

Then, on your side (You might skip some of these steps if you are a Zapier expert):

  1. Create a new Zap and set the trigger action

  2. Select the data source for member data. For this example we’re using a Google Sheet, but this depends on the platform you are integrating with, and the location for the data in this platform, depending on what Zapier displays.

    (The image above is just an example).

  3. This step is meant to be done ONCE the connection with our account is established: For the Action, choose app & event. It should display Cuseum, and the event should be “Create/Update Member”.

  4. This step is meant to be done ONCE the connection with our account is established: Now you can connect your account to the Zap. Since this will only show your company’s Cuseum account you’ll only have one value in display.

  5. This step is meant to be done ONCE the connection with our account is established: In this stage the system will ask you for the API key we provide. Please include as described.

  6. This step is meant to be done ONCE the connection with our account is established: If the API key was properly included, the authentication will be successful and you’ll be able to continue!

  7. Once the authentication is set, you’ll see the account’s name as well as the accessible data fields.

    (This is just a reference image).

  8. Depending on your data structure you can now select the appropriate fields for each data space. For example here, Member Name should come from the “name” field of the spreadsheet.

  9. Once you’ve included all the corresponding information to each field you can save the Zap.

  10. Let us know once this is ready! To test the connection you will need to run the trigger (Upload a test membership record) and we’ll confirm the process was successful.

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