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Blackbaud Altru: Getting started with Digital Membership Cards
Blackbaud Altru: Getting started with Digital Membership Cards
Updated over 3 months ago

If you're here, it means you already had the "Digital Membership Kick-Off" meeting with our Customer Happiness / Onboarding team! To get started, please follow the steps below:

First, please invite [email protected] to your Blackbaud Altru account with manager permissions if possible (so we can have visibility over the Cuseum query you will create soon and map your Cuseum account accordingly).

Second, please proceed to create the Blackbaud's Altru query, using the following name:

  • Cuseum - Digital Membership Cards - Final.

Now that the query exists, please share the following with the team (these 3 items below should be present in the URL Altru generated for this query):

  • Host

  • Database Name

  • Altru query ID

Then, please proceed to create a proxy user for us (this one will be in charge of the fetching process from Altru to Cuseum):

  1. Create a proxy user named [email protected] (make sure you create it with manager role privileges). See steps on how to create a proxy user here. More information about proxy users and how to create them here.

  2. Now that you have the proxy user created, please proceed to create a Personal Access Token (PAT) for it and use the word Integration as the token name > then click on save (tokens can be created in a lot of different places - Please make sure you are creating this token under [email protected]'s user specifically)

  3. Send the token to us (it's easy to recognize because it's a large line of numbers and letters)

  4. Go to Email alert preferences for this proxy user and add [email protected] > then click on save (this will allow us to receive alerts when the token expires). Note: The button might say something like "Email preferences" or just "preferences"

Important: This token will expire every 365 days after the date of creation. You will need to send us a new token every year per Blackbaud's new API security guidelines. More information about this here (this is why email alert preferences are important).

Now that all the technical stuff is ready, we just need to talk about the most common fields for the creation and distribution of digital membership cards (this may vary depending on your operations, but just to give you an idea on what the query rules should include):

  • Member name

  • Member number

  • Member level

  • Expiration date

  • Email address

  • Barcode

For illustration purposes, here is a few real world examples of queries from a Cuseum customer:

As you can see in the examples above, naming conventions, data structures, and/or labels of these fields may vary, from organization-to-organization or system-to-system. Please verify your set-up accordingly. If you need further assistance or a refresher on queries, please refer to Blackbaud's tutorials on "Query Basics".

We request access to your Blackbaud Altru account simply to map your query and its related fields to our system, but we do not typically advise, audit, or review the data that is output through the query you create. If your approach to querying members changes over time, please inform Cuseum support.

Note: You are responsible for verifying that your query includes the members that you'd like to receive Digital Membership Cards. This typically includes active members of membership levels, but please refer to your own procedures and protocols.
Additionally, you are responsible for verifying that your query excludes members that you do not wish to receive Digital Membership Cards. This may include deceased members, expired members, members who have explicitly opted out of all digital communications, or other related conditions.

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitant to reach out to your Onboarding expert, or Cuseum support ([email protected]). We're always happy to help.

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