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Facebook Call-to-Action
Updated over a week ago

Maximize your social media impact.

Facebook, unlike other social media platforms, makes specific marketing options available to business pages. The best practice that we encourage is the call-to-action button.


The location of a call-to-action button on a business page.

A Facebook call-to-action can direct visitors wherever you want them to go. In this case, you would want to create a "Use App" call-to-action. To add a button to your page, complete the following steps (lifted from Facebook's official documentation).

  1. Go to your Page’s cover photo and click Create Call to Action.

  2. Choose a call-to-action, add a website URL and click on the toggle below Set up a Link to an App?.

  3. Below IOS Setting, if you leave Website in the dropdown menu, people will be directed to your website. To direct people using an iPhone or iPad to your app, click the dropdown and choose App. Add an App Link. You'll also have the option to add a Website or App Store Link.

  4. Below Android Setting, if you leave Website in the dropdown menu, people will be directed to your website. To direct people using an Android to your app, click the dropdown and choose App. Add an App Link. You'll also have the option to add a Package Name and a Website or Play Store Link.

  5. Click Create.

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