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Mobile Landing Page
Updated over 12 months ago

We suggest creating a re-direct from to your app's landing page.

Contact your webmaster and request that they add the following text to your website's .htaccess file.

Add this to your .htaccess file.

# Redirect /app/ to Cuseum landing page.
Redirect /app/

Important Note

You'll need to replace the text "museum-name" above with your museum's name, as registered with Cuseum.

Why is this landing page so important?

  • It's convenient It will provide your visitors with a short and easy-to-type URL to access your app, without needing to open up the App Store. Whether you're using a native app or mobile web app, we want to ensure that it's super easy for your visitor to

  • It's smart! It will detect which device the user is on and direct them to downloading iOS app, or using the browser-based mobile web app (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry)

  • It's on-brand!** It will be masked by your own domain to help you preserve your brand and promote

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