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Email Template Editor
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to our brand new Email Template Editor panel!



We will guide you through all the necessary steps in order to help you get started with editing your own email template.

First, you'll need to have the following items into consideration:

  1. Although you're already seeing the editor panel available, you will need to contact [email protected] so we can enable the editing capabilities for your account.

    • The feature is getting enabled for all our customers, exponentially. If you see your email template on your account then it means you're all set!.

  2. NEW! The editor now has a new UI design. You have lots of new options to work with, and no HTML experience is required. You still have the HTML editor (called source code) in case you prefer using HTML.

  3. Once the template is present on your account, you will be able to start editing from there.

As mentioned above, we brought a new UI just for you, to help you expedite all your edits without HTML knowledge:

You now have from redo/undo, to fonts, sizes, bold, image insertion, table creation, merge tags and much more. You can review all these options in the toolbar:

Don't forget to click on Save Changes when you're done.

For HTML changes, you can still access the Source Code via View > Source Code:

Screenshot of the new Source Code (HTML editor).

Important: If you make HTML changes, don't forget to click on Save (blue button), and then click on Save Changes (Cuseum button).

Merge tags - you will find them inside the new editor for the body of the email, but you can also copy/paste, or manually type them in:

  • {{ user_name }}

  • {{ pass_url }}

  • {{ museum_name }}

  • {{ membership_level }}

  • {{ membership_expiration }}

Subject merge tags - you can copy paste into the subject line:

  • {{ user_name }}

  • {{ museum_name }}

These tags will call the variable for each specific user the email is being sent to.


Renewal Template (Optional)

You will also see a second tab called "Renewal":


This is for customers who want to send a personalized version of the email template for renewing members (instead of the "initial delivery" email which is the default one). To start using it, you will need to check the "Send to member upon renewal date" check box.


Once the Renewal email template check box is enabled, our system will automatically send the renewal email when any expiration date changes occur. Examples:

Current exp date: 07/07/2023 - New exp date: 07/08/2023

Current exp date: 01/01/2023 - New exp date: 01/01/2028

Please note that this renewal email will only be sent to members that renewed, but didn't install the digital card before. If a member's expiration date changes, and this member already had the digital card installed, then no email will be sent (the installed card will automatically reflect the update).

Always remember to save changes!


(NEW!) Reminder Template (Optional)

From now on, you will also see a third tab called "Reminder":

This is for organizations that want to send a personalized reminder for new members who already got their original email, but never installed the digital card. To start using it, simply check the "Send to the member after [X] days if they haven't installed their card" check box. Then, make sure you add an amount of days inside the text box (how many days after the first email has been sent). See the image above as a reference.

Last but not least, make sure you already added your email copy inside Body Text (if you don't know where to start, simply copy the html version of the "Initial Delivery" one and start from there).

Always remember to save changes!

We'll be happy to help at [email protected] in case you have any doubts about how to use the editor.

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